Tomorrow is Friday ---last working day this week, but the best part about tomorrow is that Kristy is coming and bringing our 3 wonderful grandchildren!!! The main reason she picked this weekend to come is because our church is having it's "Annual Ice Cream Social." Our family has made a habit of attending this as often as possible. Handyman always helps with the cooking of the hamburgers and I usually work in the kitchen prior to and for the first hour or so of the event. During that time we cut up desserts, put out salads, start putting the burgers and dogs on the buns, and whatever else comes around. It's great to see how everyone pitches in to make it a success. Last year I think they cooked 400 hamburgers and about 200 hot dogs. Most of the food is donated so the proceeds can all be given away. On Saturday morning I'll need to make a big dish of potato salad plus I've signed up for "another" salad. I'm going to try my hand at a Garden Pea Salad. I never liked this when I was growing up, but have found that I rather enjoy it now.
I'm looking forward to eating some homemade ice cream. Handyman doesn't really care for it so we just don't make it around here. I'm hoping that the granddaughters will enjoy the inflatable that they're going to have for the kids.
Every year those that take the lead get to pick where they'd like to have the money to go. This year, the youth of our church are going to get half and the other half is going to our new "partner" church at Red Bird Mission in eastern Kentucky.