
My latest quilt
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist.
Michael Levine
- Bill Cosby
#3-#10 on my list:
I am thankful for my family. I have been so fortunate my entire lifetime to have such wonderful, caring people around me.
After marrying my handyman, I prayed for several years for a child. When the time was right we were blessed with our first daughter, Kristy. She was our social child who liked to be around people all of the time. She was also my caring, sensible, dependable child and has grown up to be such a wonderful mother. I'm pretty sure that her kids don't know it yet, but they are so lucky to be her children.
Our second daughter came along a couple of years later. Holly was always the quiet, very intelligent, sneaky child. She slept thru the night almost immediately. She must have been happy with herself, because she liked to spend a lot of time with just herself (still does). I think she received more dominant "social" genes from her daddy because they neither one talk much and are content in their own worlds.

We love having both of the girls around whenever they can take time out of their schedules.
I hope that they both know how very much we love them. Our lives would have been pretty empty without them.
Now on to the grandchildren. What a tremendous blessing they are to us!! First came Kate (or Katie with an "i", or Katie Beth, or whatever she calls herself tomorrow). What a firecracker she is. You just never know what she's gonna do or say! I cannot describe the joy that she has brought into our lives! Go forward a couple of years and Gabriella, the little mommy, princess, is born. The quiet, snuggle bug, sneaky one. She is so much like her Aunt Holly that it's scary! Boy do we love her snuggles!! Then came our first grandson, Nate---the first boy born to our family. What a difference in how he attacks life! Head first, all the way!! Each one is so different and so special to us. I will be happy when the snowy weather goes away so we can plan on visiting them again!!
I am thankful for our son-in-law, Justin. Kristy had such high standards for a husband that I was concerned that she would never find someone to live up to those standards. I'm so happy that she did find someone who shared her values and that she wanted to share her life with. And look at the result -- those 3 precious grandchildren!! I love that he is a "hands-on" dad and spends time with his kids.
I'm also very thankful for my parents. They raised me in a good Christian home, loved and cherished me. They provided for most of wants, and all of my needs through the years and loved me unconditionally. I miss them both but am sure that I will see them again one day in heaven.
Our Happy Family

Monday, February 7, 2011
My blood tests were to be available today, so I called to get my results. I have dodged that test for a lot of years because I just knew it would be bad. Both the doctor and myself were pleasantly surprised at the results.

CBC & Blood Sugar were both fine
Cholesterol was 158 (Normal is less than 200)
Triglycerides were 30 (Normal is less than 50)
HDL (good cholesterol) was 71 (Average 50-60 with more being better)
LDL was 81 (Normal is less than 100)
WHEW ---- what a relief. I just knew it was not going to be good. VERY thankful for these results!!
Now if can just get my blood pressure down, I'll be good to go.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I keep some verses from scripture on my desk to remind me of this.
Make Thankfulness your
Sacrifice to God
Psalm 50:14
But giving thanks is a sacrifice
That truly honors me.
Psalm 50:23
I have never been in need of anything. I have always had food, shelter, clothing, a job when I wanted it, a family who loved me. I’ve never had to deal with much sickness. What else could I want for?
I have not been thankful enough for all He has given me over the years.
I have been selfish, wanting things for myself, expecting to be given to and catered to ---just because I wanted it.
I recently came across a blog on the internet, A Holy Experience. The young lady who writes it has also written a book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. She encourages you to be thankful for all the little blessings in our lives and to write down and number 1000 (and more) of these small gifts from God. She reminds us that just hours before Jesus was crucified, as he ate a meal with his disciples, knowing what was about to take place, he took the bread and the wine and thanked God for them. Even in the bad times we should be thankful for the gifts. All of us were not supposed to be rich or famous. But we need to remember that we are rich, maybe not financially, but because God has so blessed us. No matter what our circumstances, God knows where we are. His hand is in everything. We should praise him and thank him in the good and the bad just as Joseph told his brothers when they came to Pharaoh for food during the famine, after they had sold him as a slave, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” Genesis 50:20-21
God help me to be thankful in everything.
#1 - My Handyman