
My latest quilt

Monday, January 2, 2012


Another year has come and gone.  It hardly seems possible.  This past year we've gotten to spend time at the cabin, enjoy a family reunion with several cousins, and spend time with our kids and grandkids.  I joined "You Version" last January and during the final weeks of 2011 I finished my "Read the Bible in a Year."  It wasn't my first time through it, but it had been a couple of years since I had completed it in a year's time.  Yesterday I began the New Testament again.  I'm looking for a good book on women of the Bible.  I'm hoping that there's an interesting one out there.
I read quite a few books last year, thanks to my Kindle and their new access to library books.  Our library doesn't have a lot of books  yet (just a little over 600), but they're adding rather steadily.  It's been nice to not have to purchase books for my Kindle.  
During the last 6 weeks of 2011, I started walking.  First at a city recreation center, then at a local church.  I found that the church's carpeted walking track was kinder to my knees.  I plan on ramping up my walking in 2012.  It was hit or miss, plus I was just getting back in the habit and trying to get my body used to the exercise again.  I walked 1 or 2 miles a few times a week.  Now I'd like to get back to 4 miles a day at least 5 days a week.  At least I know that I have a nice warm, safe place to walk while it's cold outside.  I do plan to change my diet a little, but not much.  Mainly just smaller portions.  Our menus are usually pretty healthy with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
I have a few projects around the house that I'd like to finish (or start), nothing major is on tap for this year that I know of yet.  Handyman will probably finish painting the walls in the bedrooms and I'd like to redecorate our guest bedroom.  New bed linens, a few new accessories, but keeping the furniture that we have in there.  I'd also like to change the lighting the master bath.  This year we changed the towel bars and TP holder to the bronze.  I really like them, but we need to change knobs on the vanity too and maybe a few other things in there as the year progresses. 
Our Christmas tree is still up in the living room, so I guess I'd better get up from here and start taking it down since it's back to work tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a great 2012!!  Happy New Year!

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