
My latest quilt

Friday, August 21, 2015


We have been in the midst of the porch remodel for about a year now.  We've had trouble finding the time to be over at the cabin to get things done.  Randy finally got the electrical finished up and passed the inspection.  Last time we were there, a few weeks ago, we went into Lowes and found ALL of the window blinds that we wanted.  I had tried to order them, but couldn't find all of the sizes at one place so they would match.  We were really surprised when we made a trip into Lowes in Glasgow and found them all.  We had to trim the edges so they would fit inside the window frame like I wanted.  While at Lowes we picked the flooring and it is there waiting to be installed. After we got home, I ordered the blinds to fit the doors and they were delivered this week. 

As far as furnishing our new porch, we planned on keeping our Lazy Boy Outdoor recliners and moving the green love seat from our living area to the porch.  We had discussed a chairside table to go between our recliners but they were either too formal or too out-doorsey.  Today I stopped by a new furniture outlet here in town and found exactly what we had been looking for.  It has a top to set drinks on, then a shelf to hold our I-pad and Kindle Fire, and then another shelf that we can put a basket to hold incidentals.

Here are a couple of pictures.  The shelves have all of the colors I wanted to include on the porch - tan (the color of the recliners) , green (the color of the loveseat), and blue (for the lake).

Over the weekend, I went to American Freight (not my favorite place) and found the sectional that  I wanted to put in the living area where the loveseat is now.  It's pretty small, but that is exactly what we needed for the area.  Randy still needs to go out and find a recliner to replace the little burgundy swivel rocker that he has been sitting in.  (This was an inheritance from my mom).  We'll bring that home and put it in our bonus room.

I want to wait to see how much extra space we actually have before I decide on side tables for the living area.  I think the new little table I found today will give us something to copy style from so it'll flow from the porch to the living room.  I'm sure Randy will be able to come up with something!

I'm looking forward to spending some time at our cabin this fall!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


I'd been wanting to do away with the brass light fixture in our dining room for quite some time.  It was not only looking a little out dated, but it had one arm that never had the bright shiny finish that the other arms had.  Granted, when the light was on it was so bright that you'd never see it.  But of course, I knew that from cleaning it when the lights were off. 

I finally found the fixture I wanted at a price I was willing to pay, so I ordered it.  I knew it would come to us in pieces so we were prepared to assemble it, including hanging over 100 crystals.

Guess you'll have to turn your head sideways since I can't figure out how to turn it, sorry.

                           Here is a picture of the dining room with the original light fixture.

                                       After my handyman worked on it, here's how it looks.

After having a blanket hung over the door in our breakfast nook for several weeks this winter when it was so cold, I decided that I wanted a thermal drapery panel to pull shut when it was very cold or during the hottest days of summer when the afternoon sun bakes us as we eat dinner.  Handyman bought a metal conduit, some finials for the ends, and brackets.  Then he painted them with a special bronze paint.  It made for a very nice looking, inexpensive drapery rod.  I found the drapes on Overstock.com and then bought the rings to hang it from Lowes.  Here is the breakfast nook with the "new" light fixture and drapery panel.

                                                       I love it!  Thanks, Handyman!!

Monday, February 2, 2015


It's taken me a while to get this posted, but I was fortunate to get to spend New Year's at the beach.  I've been wanting to get back there for quite a few years, but we just never made the time or took the effort to make it happen.  Fortunately, this year my brother invited us to come and visit them in Destin where they're spending the coldest winter months away from Ohio.  The weather wasn't the best I could hope for, but we did get to walk on the beach while we were there.

 The day was cloudy, but it was still a day at the beach!
Windy day at the beach!

I'm looking forward to getting back there in just a couple of weeks and am hoping for some nice spring weather to enjoy walks on the beach.