
My latest quilt

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I had thought about having an alarm system installed for quite a while. I've been seeing them pop up in the neighborhood quite a bit lately. I'm sure it's due to some breakins at several apartments in the area. It seems that the burgler would just kick in the back door of apartments when the owners were away, probably at work since most of them were during the 8-4 time period. Our house seemed fairly secure. The garage hides the car so they aren't sure if we're home or not. The back door is surrounded by our sunroom which has 5 sliding patio doors. Knowing they'd have to break in twice was probably a deterent, plus we have a fence around our back yard with locking gates, another deterent. But with our addition we're adding another door to our house which seems more vulnerable than the others. It's on the side of the house, no locking fence, not on the front so it's less likely to be seen. So, we ordered us an alarm system, complete with door alarms, motion detector, key chain, yard sign, and a carbon monoxide alarm. The first morning after we had set the alarm, I woke up to a beep,beep,beep. Upon making my way to the kitchen the alarm panel told me that the motion detector and key chain had failed. The beep-beep-beep had driven the dog out of his bed and upstairs. He sheepishly came down while I was resetting the alarm. The next night I woke up about 2:30am and heard the beep,beep,beep, so I got up and went out to check on it and the key chain had failed once again. After resetting the alarm, I felt so sorry for the dog that I let him come into our room thinking he'd lay down by the bed and go to sleep. No, he just paced all around. I finally got up and put his bed in the bathroom so he was contained, but still away from the alarm. Last night Handyman disconnected the keychain from the system and we all slept thru the night. As annoying as the little beep,beep,beep is I cannot imagine what it will be like if the actual alarm goes off. As soon as we get all the bugs taken care of we'll contact the security company and have them monitor the system for us. They'll call us if it ever goes off and depending on what is necessary may call the police department.

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