
My latest quilt

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


After having to change my dentist appointment for Nate, I finally made it in to start getting my old fillings replaced. Monday they worked on what I thought would be the worst filling. It was my only wisdom tooth and the whole back side of it is a filling. Turned out that it wasn't too bad. They put a topical numbing agent on before they stuck me with the needle so that wasn't bad at all. All in all I was very pleased with everything. Then last night after the numbing wore off I had some pain at the injection site and took some Advil before I went to bed. While I was there yesterday I went ahead and made another appointment for today to get one of my other fillings replaced. I thought -- this one is gonna be a piece of cake ---- not!! They started out the same with the topical numbing and a shot. Not so bad. Then he came back with another shot -- couldn't feel a thing. Everything was going fine, he was getting down to the end of drilling and I felt a little twinge and flinched just a little. He immediately stopped and put in another shot -- that was fine too, didn't feel a thing. They finished up without any other problems.
Have you ever had dental work where they numb you? I hate that lack of feeling in my tongue, lips, face... You should have seen me eating supper. Little bites, all on the opposite side of my mouth. Those 3 shots kept me from feeling anything. Then about 5 hours after my appointment my face started itching -- the numbness was wearing off. It was a terrible feeling. I decided to take a little nap and when I woke up I had feeling back. THEN I started having some pain at the injection sites. I've taken a couple of Advil, but it's still a little uncomfortable. I think I'll take some more when I go to bed.
Next Monday I get to do it all over again. That will be it for a while. He wants to put a crown on my root canal, but my dental insurance won't pay on that until next October. So it's just gonna have to wait a while since it's not bothering me.

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