
My latest quilt

Friday, October 22, 2010

Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Yep, it finally happened. I had a "spot" of skin cancer. I am blue eyed and fair skinned, a perfect example of someone who gets skin cancer. As a child, if I was out in the sun for even a short time, I burned. So I figured one day that I would have to deal with skin cancer. But I thought it would be on my face or shoulders, not somewhere the sun rarely saw.
I've been going to the dermatologist fairly regularly for the past 18 months to be treated for Rosacea. It's a fairly benign skin condition and although it's chronic, it isn't a big deal when you catch it early and treat it. About 3 months ago I noticed a spot on my back that looked like a rash. It was only about the size of a dime, red, and raised just a tad. The only time that I paid any attention to it was when I rubbed a towel or a piece of clothing across it and it would burn kind of like a sunburn would when rubbed on. I went for my 6 month followup visit at the dermatologist's last week and decided to ask about this red spot.
After the Dr. looked at it, he said it was 'probably' a basal cell carcinoma. He could do a biopsy (and then in all probability have to come back and take the whole thing off) or he could just go ahead and take it all off (by scraping & burning) and be done with it. So that's what we opted for. I was actually surprised that there was no pain and it took less than a minute. Then he sent it off to a lab somewhere to see just what this thing was. I can only see the place when I look in the mirror and couldn't reach around to it while looking in the mirror, so handyman came to the rescue and twice a day cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and put vaseline and a bandaid on it. As it turned out the glue in the bandaids irritated my skin and I couldn't wait to quit using them so this routine only lasted for about 2 1/2 days.
I called today to get the results and it turned out to be a squamous cell carcinoma which is a relative to the basal cell carcinoma. From what I've been reading, the odds are that I will have more of these as time goes by. We'll see. It seems to be healing okay and I don't go back until January. Thankfully it wasn't worse.

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