
My latest quilt

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Spring is trying to arrive early!

I know, it won't be spring for another 5 weeks, but today we drove over to the cabin to look at some storm damage (thanks Pam for alerting us to the problems) and the daffodils were beginning to bloom! 
A storm blew through a week or so ago.  A small community north of here actually had a tornado.  Handyman had to replace a few shingles on our house yesterday but I hadn't even thought about there being any damage at the cabin.  A neighbor called after she and her son had taken a walk over to the cabin and found that a tree had landed across the steps that handyman built last summer.  It broke the handrails but that is just minor damage.  We also have some shingles missing on the cabin roof.  The back screen door had the screen blown out of it and it's bent.  A year or so ago the same thing happened to the front screen door.  Handyman got it fixed..it's not as pretty but it functions just fine.  The screen on the porch is loose in a few places, but we've been having that issue each year.  We'd like to find a better way to attach the screens and possibly have it glassed in for part of the year.  Maybe another project is looming in the future!! 
I'm looking forward to spending more time at the cabin this spring and summer.  Hurry and get here!!!!

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