
My latest quilt

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This has been a week of Internet problems. Last Friday there were issues with Twitter (which I don't use) and Facebook running slow. Then yesterday when I tried to get on my Blog, I was rudely redirected to another site and told that my domain name license had expired. I don't even pay for my domain name since I use Blogger. Have you ever tried to contact Blogger about any problems - well, good luck. I found a site to post problems that they hope "others" will help you work out. I found out on there that someone else was having the same problem that I was. They said they had emailed their problem in. Gee, I wish I had found that email address. I did finally find a place where I "think" they might have seen what I posted. Then today my two "My Family" Sites had ads to appear on them. I pay extra in order to NOT have ads on these family sites. I contacted My Family and told them they could either take the ads off or refund my money. Evidently they're having problems with several sites and are still working on the problem. So if you see ads on there, they will eventually go away. They even took down the sites for a while today while they were trying to resolve the problems. It makes you wonder about becoming so dependent on this little contraption. I receive most of my bills thru my email, pay most of them online, keep in contact with extended family, do a large amount of my shopping, and my job is totally dependent on the thing. I love it when it's working like it should, but it sure does mess up my day when it isn't!!! Well, I was going to upload a picture, but that's not working either....now several hours later, the photo uploaded. Yeah!!

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