I woke up this morning to the sound of my windchimes. The winds had blown in overnight and the rain would soon begin. I was reminded of the first time I heard a windchime. It was while on a family vacation with my parents in southern Georgia. All the little shops had windchimes on their doors so they would know when people came in. My mother loved the high pitched tinkling sounds so she always had the small windchimes. I prefer the deeper sounds, so my windchimes are larger. Once when Randy & I were at Patti's Settlement they had a windchime hanging in a tree that was at least 60" long. It had a really deep sound. I would have loved to have had it, but it was about $900. My granddaughter, Kate, also likes my windchimes. When she was smaller, I would hold her up so she could make it chime. Now she's big enough to reach it on her own. I guess the love of windchimes carries over from generation to generation.
Kate loves the chimes Daddy put out for her to play with out back!